Fuzzy modeling of reoccupation of a leaf-cutting ants’ trail

Rosana Sueli da Motta Jafelice, César Guilherme Almeida


In this paper we model the reoccupation of a trail by leaf-cutting ants.
The mathematical modeling consists in studying the leaf-cutting ants’ displacement
towards an attraction area and their return to the nest. To carry out this research,
we utilized the diffusion-advection equation, where the dispersion and velocity to-
wards x and y, are fuzzy parameters. The experts affirm that the pheromone is an
important variable concerning trail reoccupation because it influences leaf-cutting
ants dispersion and velocity of displacement. The numerical simulations took into
account the pheromone through the Fuzzy Rule-Based System (FRBS). The numer-
ical results are compatible with the biological phenomenon studied.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tema.2015.016.01.0041

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