A Note on the McCormick Second-Order Constraint Qualification


  • M. D. Sánchez University of La Plata
  • N. S. Fazzio University of La Plata
  • M. L. Schuverdt Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Nonlinear programming, second-order optimality conditions, constraint qualification.


The study of optimality conditions and constraint qualification is a key topic in nonlinear optimization. In this work, we present a reformulation of the well-known second-order constraint qualification described by McCormick in [17]. This reformulation is based on the use of feasible arcs, but is independent of Lagrange multipliers. Using such a reformulation, we can show that a local minimizer verifies the strong second-order necessary optimality condition. We can also prove that the reformulation is weaker than the known relaxed constant rank constraint qualification in [19]. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the condition is neither related to the MFCQ+WCR in [8] nor to the CCP2 condition, the companion constraint qualification associated with the second-order sequential optimality condition AKKT2 in [5].

Biografia do Autor

M. L. Schuverdt, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

CONICET, Department of Mathemati s, FCE, University of La Plata, CP 172, 1900 La Plata Bs. As., Argentina




Como Citar

Sánchez, M. D., Fazzio, N. S., & Schuverdt, M. L. (2022). A Note on the McCormick Second-Order Constraint Qualification. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 23(4), 769–781. https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2022.023.04.00769



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