An Experimental Analysis of Three Pseudo-peripheral Vertex Finders in conjunction with the Reverse Cuthill-McKee Method for Bandwidth Reduction


  • Sanderson L. Gonzaga de Oliveira
  • Alexandre A. A. M. Abreu



sparse matrices, Graph labeling, Graph algorithm, Reverse Cuthill-McKee method, Bandwidth reduction, Graph theory


The need to determine pseudoperipheral vertices arises from several graph-theoretical approaches for ordering sparse matrix equations. Results of two algorithms for finding such vertices, namely, the George-Liu and Kaveh-Bondarabady algorithms, are evaluated in this work along with a variant of the Kaveh-Bondarabady algorithm. Experiments among these three algorithms in conjunction with the Reverse Cuthill-McKee method suggest that the modified algorithm is a suitable alternative for reducing bandwidth of matrices that arise from specific application area, but it is dominated by the well-know George-Liu algorithm mainly when considering the computational times of the algorithms.


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Como Citar

Gonzaga de Oliveira, S. L., & Abreu, A. A. A. M. (2019). An Experimental Analysis of Three Pseudo-peripheral Vertex Finders in conjunction with the Reverse Cuthill-McKee Method for Bandwidth Reduction. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 20(3), 497.



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