Parallel Implementation of a Two-level Algebraic ILU(k)-based Domain Decomposition Preconditioner

Italo Cristiano L. Nievinski, Michael Souza, Paulo Goldfeld, Douglas Adriano Augusto, José Roberto P. Rodrigues, Luiz Mariano Carvalho


We discuss the parallel implementation of a two-level algebraic ILU(k)-based domain decomposition preconditioner using the PETSc library. We present strategies to improve performance and minimize communication among processes during setup and application phases. We compare our implementation with an off-the-shelf preconditioner in PETSc for solving linear systems arising in reservoir simulation problems, and show that for some cases our implementation performs better.


Two-level preconditioner; domain decomposition; Krylov methods; linear systems; parallelism; PETSc

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Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics

A publication of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC)


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