Editorial Policy


The journal Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics accepts publication of preprints in public and reliable databases such as SciELO Preprints and ArXiv. The publication link and the database where the preprint was published must be informed upon submitting the manuscript. Other bases will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis by the Editor-in-Chief.

Open data

The journal Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics recommends that all research data be public in repositories at the time of submission or made public when the article is published. If authors choose to keep research data closed, it will be necessary to justify when submitting the manuscript, which will be analyzed by the Editor-in-Chief. It is also recommended that data repositories from institutions to which one of the authors is linked, or other reliable data repositories be preferably used.


The journal Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics does not charge submission, article processing (APC), or publication fees.

Ethics and Misconduct Policy

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published previously (except as an abstract, published lecture, or academic thesis). The article will first be assessed for compliance with the journal's standards and analyzed using plagiarism detection software by the technical team.

Corrections and Retractions

Authors are expected to carefully consider the list and sequence of authors before submitting their manuscript. The final list of authors should be provided at the time of submission. No addition or change of authorship will be allowed during the evaluation stage or after acceptance of the submitted text.

The already published article in which misconduct is identified remains indexed in the journal's database under retracted status. Retraction documents the reason for the retraction duly referenced upon communication from the author, editor, or other authorized agent and published in the same journal. Retraction may be partial when misconduct applies to a specific part of the article without compromising the entirety of the published research.

The procedure for registering the retraction of an article published by Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics is initiated upon receipt of formal communication by email to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, who will inform SciELO. The communication must accompany the retraction text stating the reasons for the article's retraction.

The article cannot be "unpublished". Cases of errors or flaws, regardless of nature or origin, that do not constitute misconduct are corrected through errata. The journal will publish errata, corrections, or retractions as soon as possible.

Any addition and modification to the submitted text must be made only before the manuscript is accepted and only if approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The Editor will only consider additions and modifications to the text under exceptional circumstances after the manuscript is accepted. While the Editor considers the request, the publication of the manuscript will be suspended.

Policy on Conflict of Interest


Authors are obliged to disclose any potential conflict of interest. The conflict of interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial. Conflicts of interest may occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. When submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform it in a signed document attached to the submission platform. Authors must identify in the manuscript all financial support obtained and other personal connections related to the work.

Editors and reviewers:

The reviewer must inform the editors of any conflicts of interest that could influence the analysis of the manuscript and must declare that he or she is not qualified to review it. Reviewers must consider any type of conflict of interest before evaluating the manuscript. Working relationships with the author(s) must be considered (e.g., participating or having participated in a research project; maintaining or having maintained scientific collaboration with research groups; having a mentoring relationship with the author; having a financial interest with the project involved in the manuscript, be related to the author(s)). Like reviewers, editors should avoid making decisions about manuscripts that conflict with their interests, such as those submitted by authors in their department, research collaborators, or relatives.

Adoption of similarity software

TCAM Journal considers plagiarism practice unacceptable. The journal uses Turnitin software to verify the originality of the article before sending it to reviewers. When plagiarism is detected, the authors are informed, and a report generated by the plagiarism detection software is presented. If there is any doubt or question, the Editor-in-Chief will contact the corresponding author and, if necessary, all authors. If duplication is confirmed, the institutions of affiliation of the authors or funding involved in the research development are contacted, and the article is rejected for publication.

Gender and Sex Issues

The editorial team of Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics and the authors who publish in the journal must always adhere to the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that direct the reporting of information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings. Additionally, Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics observes a gender equity policy in its editorial board.

Ethics Committee

The journal pays strict attention to ethical standards when researching animals and humans. Certificates from animal and human ethics committees are required in the submission process. In case of doubt about the documentation presented, the journal may reject the article.


Authors of articles published in the journal Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics retain the copyright of their work. The journal uses Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) in published articles. The authors grant the TCAM  journal the right to first publish the article.

Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

The content of the articles is the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The journal uses Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) in published articles. This license allows published articles to be reused without permission for any purpose as long as the original work is correctly cited.

The journal encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and social media, as long as the full citation is included in the journal's website version.

Sponsors and Promotion Agencies

SBMAC - Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics