Compressible Aerodynamic Flow Simulations Using ENO and WENO Schemes in a Finite Volume Unstructured Grid Context


  • W.R. Wolf
  • J.L.F. Azevedo



In this work the essentially non-oscillatory schemes (ENO) and the weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes (WENO) are implemented in a cell centered finite volume context on unstructured grids. The 2-D Euler equations will be considered to represent the flows of interest. The ENO andWENO schemes have been developed with the purpose of accurately capturing discontinuities appearing in problems governed by hyperbolic conservation laws. In the high Mach number aerodynamic studies of interest, these discontinuities are mainly represented by shock waves. The entire reconstruction process of ENO and WENO schemes is described in detail for any order of accuracy with an emphasis to the implementation of the second-order accurate schemes. An agglomeration multigrid method is used to reach faster convergence to steady state. The solution of the transonic flow over a RAE2822 supercritical airfoil is presented in order to assess the capability implemented against data available in the literature.


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How to Cite

Wolf, W., & Azevedo, J. (2005). Compressible Aerodynamic Flow Simulations Using ENO and WENO Schemes in a Finite Volume Unstructured Grid Context. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 6(2), 325–335.



Original Article