Different Approaches to the Modelling of COVID-19

J. F. C. A. Meyer, M. Lima, C. C. Espitia, F. Longo, B. Laiate, A. N. Gois, C. F. D. Kunz


In this paper some innovative aspects of the mathematical modelling of classic epidemiology problems for the study of models related to the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics are presented. In addition, they are compared to real-world data using numerical methods in order to approximate the solutions. One of these models includes a non-transmitting compartment and another one, a delay-differential equation in the SIR-type method. Finally, a comparative discussion of the results is also presented.



COVID-19, Mathematical Modelling, Basic Reproductive Number, Mathematical Epidemiology, Nonlinear Systems of ODE.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5540/tcam.2021.022.04.00515

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