Generalized Exponential Bidirectional Fuzzy Associative Memory with Fuzzy Cardinality-Based Similarity Measures Applied to Face Recognition

Aline Cristina Souza, Marcos Eduardo Valle


Associative memories are biologically inspired models designed for the storage and recall by association. Such models aim to store a finite set of associations, called the fundamental memory set. The generalized exponential bidirectional fuzzy associative memory (GEB-FAM) is a heteroassociative memory model designed for the storage and recall of fuzzy sets. A similarity measure, that is, a function that indicates how much two fuzzy sets are equal, is at the core of a GEB-FAM model. In this paper, we present a detailed study on the use of cardinality-based similarity measures in the definition of a GEB-FAM. Moreover, we evaluate the performance of the GEB-FAMs defined using such measures in a face recognition problem.


Associative memory; fuzzy set theory; similarity measure; face recognition.

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A publication of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC)


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