One Study of COVID-19 Spreading at The United States - Brazil - Colombia

Eliandro Rodrigues Cirilo, Paulo Natti, Neyva Romeiro, Miguel Candezano, Jeinny Polo


The present work concerns the COVID-19's spread over The United States, Brazil and Colombia.
Although countries show differences in economic development, but similarities such as continental dimension or social interaction, the spread of COVID-19 in them has some similarities. At the moment, the countries are living the disease with temporal delay. Thus, we used a database on WHO Coronavirus, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulations to describe the most recent COVID-19 development patterns in these countries, which we saw.


Mathematical Modeling; Numerical Analysis; COVID-19

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Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics

A publication of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC)


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